Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Yesterday was my very first Valentine's celebration
and honestly,
I've never really cared about the occasion.
Roses aren't my favourite
and too many stuffed toys just collects dust.
(I'm sounding like a grouch now. haha)

P.S - My favourite are Gerber Daisies. =P

Okay. Back to yesterday.
It just so happens that we're a bunch of single people
and the next day happens to be a public holiday!

So what better reason to go out lepak till late night if not for Valentine's?

Dinner was at Tarot
and we played games for quite a while waiting
for the lovebirds to be done pak-toh-ing
before we volunteered to be lamp posts.

and I don't remember a time when I was so unlucky
to slide down the snake every single time I'm close to winning.

and not forgetting Hannah Montana UNO Cards! lol.

Karaoke was up next but who would've guessed that it would be fully booked on Vday.
I wonder what's so fun with singing sappy love songs in a room with your boyfriend/girlfriend on Valentine's.
Either that or Kuching still has tonnes of single people all emo-ing in Kboxes.
(btw, we are not under the emo-single-people category cuz we're awesome.)

Spot the odd one out. lol

Final stop, Station 1.
Got super loaded with Chocolate Ice Cream
and my friends said I embarrass them
(Where can you find friends like that, I wonder?)
when I asked for extra whipped cream and taught the waiter how to take orders.

All in all,
it was another awesome night out with the girlfriends!

I think we should make it a tradition.
In a relationship or not,
Valentine's Day shall be spent with girlfriends instead of boyfriends
or the boyfriends just have to join us girls.

Much love,

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