Monday, February 28, 2011

Bunny Ears.

You know, when you watch in movies...
(because it hasn't applied to me yet)

When people are all married and the universe is trying to tell them that they are ready for kids, every corner they turn they'd bump into some super cute baby/kid.

Well, I think the universe is trying to tell my that I'm ready for a new dog!

This is like mad cute, no?

But seriously, I've been seeing cute dogs and puppies almost EVERY SINGLE CORNER I TURN!
I must be THAT desperate.

After a very disappointing deal with an equally disappointing person,
I want a new puppy even moreeeee!!!

To my dear unknown and probably non-existing readers,
if you have any puppies to give away,

(yes, i'm serious.)
and i will love you very much for that.

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