Friday, November 5, 2010

Festival of Lights.

Since I can't seem to find an appropriate photo of the group,
(there's bound to be something that can't be posted to public on each photo.)
here's a relevant photo from my ever-ready model.

Just got back from an awesome Deepavali pot luck
at one of Liyana's friend's place.
Had tonnes of muruku and is now so blardy bloated.


Met new people,
(surprisingly, considering my anti-socialness. haha)
debated on the level of 'kesatuan' in Malaysia and Indonesia,
debated on the pros and cons of Iphones and Ipads and BBs,
(damn wu liao lorrr...)
and had loads of awesome home-cooked food!

and I just realised
I'm too unpatriotic sampai orang pun tak sangka I'm Malaysian.

Happy Deepavali!!


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